Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ice Breaking~!

~Welcome to Twinkle Jelly Star group blog~

Hi, everyone! We are group Twinkle Jelly StarThis is our blog for the main purpose of to show the process on how we do our Computer Graphics 3 Assignment 3, which is the Musical Typography. We are assigned to 3 person in a group to do this assignment. There are :

In this assignment, we will work together to produce a Musical Typography. Based on the requirement of the assignment, we need to produce a Musical Typography or also called Kinetic Typography with a minimum of 30 seconds and maximum up to 1 minute duration. We are been given fully freedom to choose the music/song. The theme is decided by ourselves but need to consult with the lecturer and tutor also. 

Hope you will enjoy visiting our blog and please do feel free to give us your precious comments or advises for us to improve.

Thanks. =)

Twinkle Jelly Star

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